Vapotherm Blog

FELIX-1: Creating a Localized Area of Negative Pressure for COVID-19 Patients
We have continued listening to our customers’ needs and concerns in hopes that we could offer further help. Thus, the FELIX-1 came about, designed to help suction away potentially infectious particles and trap them in a suction canister.

Patients in New Pilot Study of Vapotherm High Velocity Therapy Showed Similar Outcomes to CPAP for Infants with Moderate to Severe Bronchiolitis
Vapotherm high velocity therapy has been clinically proven as a mask-free and seal-free alternative to CPAP. A recent pilot study now also may suggest that high velocity therapy could be an alternative to CPAP for the treatment of infants with critical bronchiolitis.

We’re here for you. A COVID-19 update from CEO Joe Army
The pandemic isn’t over. Vapotherm CEO Joe Army brings you to our Exeter, NH headquarters to share what we’ve been up to to best support you and your patients.